
Install the latest version of DLRS into your production, sandbox, or scratch org via : MetaDeploy

Here is the App and Objects that are installed. You can see there are two permission sets that can be used to give access. Installed Components


You can install the package for Admins only and open up permissions for all users/profiles with the options below or install for all users.

Install for Admins

There are two types of DLRS Users:


Kind of a tool admin user that both configures and activates the rollups (this has to be an admin to deploy and manage the trigger for example). This user also needs full read/write access to all the objects in the package.


Then there is the users that don’t directly use the tool, but indirectly invoke its rollups. These users need read access to all the objects in the package. You don’t however need to give them access to the app, tabs or Visualforce pages for example since they don’t need to be able to access the tools admin UI.

Assigning Permissions

  • You can click on Permission itself Lookup Rollup Summaries - Process Rollups and there is a button Manage Assignments. From the page that is displayed you can create a List View to filter for the users you want, tick them and click Add Assignments. Process Rollups Permission Set
  • You can update a Profile by giving Read access to the following objects, Lookup Rollup Summaries, Lookup Rollup Summary Logs and Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items.
  • Finally, if you didn’t find the first option useful enough, you may want can try out the free The Permissioner tool on AppExchange.

You can also Read the Salesforce documentation on installing and permissions

Professional Edition

It is now possible to install the managed package in a Lightning Professional Edition and configure entries to trigger Process Builder to action the declarative roll up summary. (per 341)

Process Builder Sharing Mode

Creating a New Lookup Rollup Summary

Manage Lookup Rollups Screen

Lookup Relationship

Parent Object

Enter the API name of the object in that you want the rollup summary to be stored on

Child Object

Enter the API name of the object that you want to query and rollup to the Parent Object

Relationship Field

Enter the API name of the lookup field on the Child Object relating to the Parent Object

Relationship Criteria (Optional)

If you would like to filter the Child Object records that get summarized enter the SOQL WHERE query here.

e.g. Amount > 200 AND Stage = 'Closed Won'

Examples & Details

Relationship Criteria Fields

Any field used in the Relationship Criteria needs to be entered here, one field per line e.g.


NOTE: If you are referencing Recordtype.Name or Recordtype.DeveloperName in your WHERE clause, exclude them from the Relationship Criteria Fields, because it will throw an error.

Rollup Details

Field to Aggregate

This is the API name of the field on the child record

Field to Order By

This is useful if you are concatenating

Aggregate Operation

Aggregate Result Field

Where on the Parent to place/write the result


Must be set to Active to Calculate manually now or to set as Realtime. In order to set as Active you must deploy the child trigger.

Calculation Mode

Choose your calculation mode carefully. Using realtime can run into performance issues and Apex CPU limits. See Scheduling and Performance Issues FAQ

Using Scheduled Incremental Calculation or using Process Builder with a Scheduled Action are good ways to avoid issues.

  • Scheduled
    • Run a full or incremental calculate on a schedule with Scheduled Apex
  • Process Builder
    • Call the DLRS Apex Action from a Process builder either as an immediate or scheduled action
  • Realtime
    • Uses the child trigger to immediately calculate rollups
  • Developer
    • Allows you to call DLRS from your own apex without using the DLRS trigger

Calculation Sharing Mode

Calculation Sharing Mode determines whether Salesforce sharing configurations should be taken into account when the rollup calculates. User mode will calculate all records visible to the user who triggered the rollup calculation. System mode will calculate all records regardless of the current User’s access.

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Declarative Lookup Roll-Up Summaries is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.